Charlesse Baptism


It has been a busy summer with Softball, Surgery, And everyday living. I have lost 73 pounds as of today and hoping for another 30 by September. Charlesse and Kearstynn have both lost fron teeth and look silly. Millieah is starting to talk so much better and is turning into a little girl. MayLeigh is very curious and tries to do everything and figure everything out. MayLeigh is quite the Mommy to her baby dolls. Charles is staying busy as Elders quorum Secretary and work.

the girls wanted to dress up for Summer school lunch. Out came the Halloween costumes.

to date I have lost 50 pounds YAHOO!!!

girls playing with stuffed animals. Kearstynn and Allie

The end of 2010

What a fun year we have had. We had to fun injuries a broken bone and a burned hand. Mayleigh was in the hospital for pneumonia. Charles got his Bachelors (know to figure out what to do with it) Millieah is now going to the early learning center for her speech. She is doing well. We finished our basement and made it into a master bedroom ( we still need a bathroom.) Our Trampoline blew away in the night over a 6 foot fence. How we do not know. We painted our Kitchen purple and love it. Charlesse won 1st place for 2nd grade in the reflection contest for visual art. We will be starting the year off Teaching Ctr 6 in primary that will be interesting that is Kearstynn's class. oh boy!
we are planning a trip to North Carolina in May or June and we are so excited.

Mayleigh must have been so tired!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

School pictures

1 comment:

  1. Good job Sareena!! It;s Katrena trying to type 1 handed the other holding Kessa with Kezia sitting on my lap. Good times!
